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About Meditation

Meditation is a practice that has been used for thousands of years to improve mental and physical well-being. It is a simple and effective way to reduce stress, improve focus, and increase overall happiness.

One of the most powerful benefits of meditation is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. By taking time to focus on the present moment, rather than worrying about the past or future, meditation allows you to let go of negative thoughts and emotions. This can lead to a decrease in the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in the body.

Meditation can also improve focus and concentration. By training the mind to be more aware and present, meditation can help you to be more productive and efficient in your daily tasks. It can also improve your ability to multitask and make better decisions.

In addition to these mental benefits, meditation also has physical benefits. It can lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and reduce chronic pain. Research has also suggested that regular meditation may improve the immune system, slow down the aging process and increase longevity.

Overall, meditation is a powerful tool for improving overall well-being. It is easy to learn and can be practiced anywhere and at any time, making it accessible to anyone. Whether you are looking to reduce stress, improve focus, or just find more peace and happiness in your life, meditation is an excellent choice.


Breathing is an essential function of the body that is often taken for granted. However, proper breathing techniques, also known as breath work, can have a significant impact on overall physical and mental well-being.

Breath work can help to increase oxygen flow throughout the body, which can improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and anxiety, and even aid in the management of chronic pain.

Additionally, certain breath work techniques, such as those used in meditation and yoga, can also help to improve focus, concentration, and overall emotional balance. Overall, incorporating breath work into your daily routine can be a simple but powerful tool for maintaining and improving your physical and mental health


Affirmations are positive statements that can be used to change negative thoughts and beliefs. They can be used to build self-confidence, increase self-esteem, and improve overall well-being.

Affirmations can also be used to help you achieve specific goals, such as getting a new job or improving a relationship. By repeating affirmations on a regular basis, you can retrain your mind to focus on the positive aspects of yourself and your life. This can help to reduce stress and anxiety, increase motivation and productivity, and improve overall mood.


Meditation is a powerful practice that can have a wide range of benefits for overall well-being. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and promote a sense of inner peace and calm.

By booking a meditation session with Stillme, you will have the opportunity to learn various techniques and methods for incorporating meditation into your daily routine. During the session, you will be guided through the process and provided with personalized instruction to help you achieve the most benefit from your practice.

Meditation Music

Meditation music can be a powerful tool to enhance the meditation practice and help to create a more immersive and relaxing experience. It can help to set the mood and tone for the session and provide a soothing background to focus the mind.

Certain types of meditation music, such as that which incorporates binaural beats, can also help to alter brainwave patterns, which can lead to a deeper state of relaxation and concentration.